Kathlyn Locke, Owner

Blank Canvas was created as the result of a beginner’s paint class I attended as a birthday gift. I was so focused on getting the painting PERFECT I missed the FUN.
A month later, I took a second class at a different venue, and that time around I was determined to have fun. I gave myself permission to just BE in the moment. I looked at the blank canvas in front of me, inhaled, exhaled, and created my imperfect masterpiece.
Thus “Blank Canvas” was born. I created Blank Canvas to be a space that
provides my guests with the ultimate opportunity for “me time.” It is a judge free zone, so don’t worry about whether your painting comes out exactly like the instructor’s or not. It is a place of relief for those who are so consumed with life that they forgot how to BE in the moment. A place of fun where you Paint, Sip and Create your masterpiece and great memories!